Wilder Primer

Pragmatic and resourceful, the Wilders have learned to live on the outskirts of the clans, surviving in the wilderness and cultivating a close relationship with the land. Hardy, nomadic hunters and scouts, beloved of the Horned Lady, the Wilders claim no magical practices of…

Watcher Primer

Cerebral and curious, the Watchers spend much of their time in contemplation of the cosmos. Humanity has scarcely begun to explore the power and mysteries of the higher plane, and the Watchers are fascinated by it. Their magic is drawn from the energy of…

Veilwalker Primer

Perceptive and uncanny, the Veilwalkers have learned to pierce the misty boundary between the realms of life and death. Death is not the end, only a phase in the Cycle, and the Veilwalkers know this all too well. Their magic relies on summoning and…

Rooted Primer

Earthy and grounded, the Rooted draw their power from the plants and animals living in the bog. Life is a resource, but so too is death and decay. The Rooted honor every part of the Cycle in their workings. Their magic comes from the…

Kin Primer

Loyal and communal, the Kin are bonded in blood. There is strength in connections, and the Kin share more than a common philosophy: they are a close-knit family. Their magic is channeled through the network of blood ties that bind every Kin that ever…

The Circle: Lorebook

In the endless bog, a young coven strives to bring the five Clans back from a dark age of their own creation. It is the product and cornerstone of a tentative peace after generations of warfare. It is a collection of the world’s best…